General Info

Ignite is a night of music, worship, and prayer. It is an opportunity for Christians and churches to gather for one night. It is also an opportunity for those who have never experienced the love of Jesus to hear the Gospel (the Good News) and make a decision. Prayer, worship, and a short Gospel message from a guest speaker will all be present throughout the night. 

Parking will open @ 2pm. Gates will open 1 hour before the event starts @2:30pm. It is open concert style seating so it is on a first come first serve basis.

Food and drinks are not allowed. There will also be opportunities to support Ignite through purchases at the event. 

Parking is $15 and will be on site or in proximity to the Stadium. Donations accepted to support our gracious hosts. 



Ignite is an independent movement. It is not a church nor does it intend to replace the church. It is a night of worship intended to be both an outreach to the unchurched and an opportunity for churches to rally together around the Gospel. 

Ignite is non-denominational. All of Ignite’s leadership are born again Christians that simply want to see the Gospel change lives. We believe this is accomplished through the power of uniting believers in worship and sharing the Truth of the Gospel as it is written in the Bible. 

If you are interested in serving at Ignite, please fill out a volunteer form and you will receive an email with instructions and opportunities. Churches and nonprofits interested in partnering with Ignite can fill out a sponsorship form. 

Ignite is for everyone. While the original intention was for churches to be able to gather, we highly encourage those who have never heard the gospel or seen the power of worship to come and experience the love of Jesus. If you are planning on attending, let us know by claiming FREE tickets in advance and bring a friend, neighbor, or relative!